WoManifestor/Libra/Serial Entrepreneur/ Dog Lover/ 2nd Degree Black Belt Nia Teacher in Denver Colorado/ Nia White Belt Trainer/ Yoga Nidra Teacher/ Obsessive Creative/ Spa-Hopper/Pleasure Director/
I am in constant awe of this incredible life immersed in movement, music and magic!

14 years ago I stepped into the path of teaching Nia. My Nia classes are an energetic mix of expression, laughter, healing, play and Joy. I lead from a powerfully authentic, somatic – heart centered place, creating a holistic experience of fitness, pleasure and connection.

Seven years ago I opened iBODY Inspired Movement Studio in Denver Colorado to have a sacred space to teach Nia classes and practice other inspiring movement modalities.  I have been leading movement retreats since 2013 in Mexico, Bali, Panama and Costa Rica. In 2023 I began facilitating Nia White Belt Trainings that I hold in Denver every summer.