Some Of Us Are Brave by Danielle Ponder
Brave enough to move.
Brave enough to be seen.
Brave enough to take up space, unapologetically.
This song, Some of Us Are Brave by the amazing Danielle Ponder, is a call to rise.
A call to own our power, our presence, our truth.
It speaks to the ones who refuse to shrink, who step forward even when the world tries to press them back.
This journey of courage? It’s not always loud. Sometimes, it’s the slow burn of choosing yourself, again and again. Of reclaiming your voice, your body, your fire. My own path has been a spiral of learning to stand tall in who I am, to not just move through the world, but to move in it, with it, against it when needed.
To finally dance my truth.
This is what we do. We move. We breathe. We take up space.
We embody the words: I’ll show you how.
Watch. Feel. And when you’re ready, come dance with us.